First #UberIceCream Event in Penang!

Uber Ice Cream Penang 2015

Penangnites take note! There’s a special event coming over to Penang today (24th July 2015). Last time, we used to wait for the ice cream vendors to come to our place to buy ice cream right? So, for one day which is TODAY, Penangnites can get their ice cream delivered to their place by Ubers instead of tricycles or motorbikes for a stipulated time which is 11am-5pm.

First #UberIceCream Event in Penang

Uber has always been known as a cool company and they are famous for one of their cool events which is Uber Ice Cream. It is an idea hatched in July 2012 in honour of National Ice Cream month in US whereby users in 7 cities can summon ice cream trucks to have their ice cream orders delivered to them. It has since then, becomes an annual event thingy for Uber all over the world.

This time is the 1st time that Uber Malaysia is participating in Uber Ice Cream day and it is also the biggest event ever for Uber as more than 250 cities around the world will be participating. And yes, Penangnites will be a part of this event! Thank God that Uber Penang is launched before July 2015! 🙂 Check out our post about the soft launch of Uber Penang here.

While this is a global event, Uber Penang decides to go local whereby they are partnering with Kochabi, a maker of traditional ‘aiskrim potong’ to deliver these delicious and lip-smacking ice cream to cool down the heat. The order is RM25 that comes with 6 different flavours. And there is a good news for new users of Uber, you can get the ice cream pack worth RM25 for FREE! New users, you are so damn lucky! Here’s how to order #UberIceCream in partnership with ‘Kochabi’:

How To Order:

  1. Download the Uber app from the App Store or Play Store. If you’re new to Uber, enter the promo code UBERICECREAMPG in the Promotions tab within your app and you’ll get your ice cream for free!
  2. Slide right to the ‘Ice Cream’ icon and tap ‘Set Pickup Location’
  3. If an UberIceCream vehicle is in the vicinity, you’ll receive your Ice Cream in minutes!

Some #UberIceCream details:

  • Users in Penang will be able to get their frozen treats between 11am – 5pm.
  • As always, no cash is needed. Your order is charged straight to your payment card on your Uber account.

Here’s the video about Uber Ice Cream. Actually, Uber is a very nice way to transport your things to someone else or just to surprise your loved ones although the cost will be rather high. You can get creative with your Uber rides if you know what we mean! 🙂

Enjoy the VIP treatment of having ice cream delivered to you by Uber or surprise your loved ones, family members, business associates or colleagues by ordering this Kochabi ice cream potong and let their nostalgic memories flooding back. Do take photos and post to social medias and hashtag #UberIceCream to show our Malaysian style of #UberIceCream event and do tag Uber at @Uber_PG (For Twitter and Instagram).

*For new users in Penang only. Key in UberPGJK in the Promotion tab to enjoy 2 free rides up to RM20/ride. So nice that you get to enjoy free ice cream and free rides! Awesome right? Do give our KayaButterToast Facebook page a like. TQ

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